
The Defence Airworthiness Safety Regulations (DASR) will include DASR 66 - Military Aircraft Maintenance Licensing permits Defence personnel who hold a Military Aircraft Maintenance License (MAML) to issue Certificates of Release to Service. This regulation is based on the European Military Airworthiness Requirement 66 (EMAR 66), but adapted to suit the Australian military maintenance environment.

DASR Training

Details on the DASR 66 training course are available here. Slide packs for relevant courses are attached at bottom. Module 10 training is a mandatory requirement for all MAML holders.

ADELE ADF Module 10 Training
  1. The DASR 66 Module 10 course is now available on Australian Defence Education Learning Environment (ADELE), for use by both ADF and Defence Industry: ADF DASR 66 Module 10 - Aviation Legislation – ADELE course code: 216881.
  2. Course duration is approximately 5 hours.
  1. The course is accessed via ADELE (O:S) – Enrolment Key: ADFdasr66module10 (Case Sensitive).
  2. Personnel with a DPN account can self-enrol into the course via ADELE through the following link: in a new tab/window)
    a.   Note a search for course code: 216881 in ADELE may list obsolete Module 10  training.  The AFTG course at the above link is the only Module 10 course approved by DASA to obtain Module 10 competency.
  3. Defence Industry (DI) members without a DPN account will need to obtain ADELE access for Module 10 via a request to the group mailbox: AFTG points of contact that can directly assist are:
    a.   Lesley Court (
    b.   Jo Nord (
  4. The process for granting access for DI staff who do not have a DPN account is:
    a.   Request access via the BAE group mailbox:
    b.   BAE will forward a copy of the “Bulk User Upload” template (Excel spreadsheet) to the DI member/s:
    c.  DI member/s must complete all relevant details in the template, including obtaining endorsement through their respective CoA Sponsor / CoA Rep (EL1 or above): 
    d. This COA approved list of DI staff is then returned to the BAE group mailbox list above (cc one of the AFTG contacts):  
    e.  BAE will send an email to ADELE Support requesting creation of an ADELE account for the DI member, and f. An ADELE account will be created for DI members to complete the training using the above enrollment key. 
    f.   An ADELE account will be created for DI members to complete the training using the above enrollment key.
  5. Further instructions are located on the “Requesting ADELE access for non-Defence and help options(Opens in a new tab/window)” section of the ADELE Hub.
  1. DASA utilises PMKeyS data to generate MAMLs for ADF members.  ADELE does not automatically update PMKEYS with PMKeyS Code: P125860 at the completion of the course. ADF members, are to ensure their PMKEYS record is updated manually through their chain of command.
  2. For DI members, DASA will accept a Course Completion Certificate as objective evidence of completion of the Mod 10 Course.
Additional Information
  1. As of Monday 01 January 2024, successful completion of the new ADELE (O:S) Module 10 course will be the only evidence that DASA will accept for MAML applications.
  2. The new ADELE based DASR Module 10 will not be retrospective – MAML holders who have previously completed Module 10 requirements prior to 01 January 2024 will not be required to re-sit the new course.
  3. For any further information regarding ADELE, please contact Learning Technologies & Integration(Opens in a new tab/window) within AFTG.


DASR 66 identifies the skills and knowledge requirements for each license category (refer below) by syllabi. DASA have mapped initial trade training and technical, promotion-related courses (eg Trade Principles Supervisor course, LSATT, CPL Sub 4 etc) against these syllabi.

The license syllabi for licenses are not directly aligned to current trades. An ATECH/ECN411/ATA, for example specialises in airframes and engines, but has limited expertise in electrical systems maintenance. Similarly, an AVTECH/ ECN412/ATV is an expert in electrical and avionics systems but not in engines. Both trades would be eligible for B1 licenses, but the licenses will have exclusions for those systems in which there are skills and knowledge gaps (eg the ATECH/ECN411/ATA would have an electrical systems license exclusion). Further, the AVTECH/ ECN412/ATV would have so many exclusions against a B1 licence that it would have no use in practice.

The MAML is an attestation that the holder has met the DASR 66 knowledge and experience requirements, but does not entitle the holder to issue a CRS.

In order to obtain a DASR 66 MAML and applicant needs:

  1. Basic Knowledge (DASR 66.A.25): and
  2. Basic Experience (DASR 66.A.30)

To enable the MAML holder to issue a CRS, the licence must have a specific Aircraft Type rating and the holder must be authorised by the Quality Manager to operate within their approved quality system.  In order to obtain a Type rating, an applicant needs:

  1. Type Training (Theory & Practical) (DASR 66.A.45): and
  2. OJT for first TR (DASR 66.A.45)

Licence Categories

There are four basic licence categories:

  1. Category A – for minor scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, which equates approximately to flight line maintenance. 
    The Category A licence is a non-type rated licence and the privileges of a Category A licence are not applicable to Base maintenance.
  2. Category B1 - covers scheduled and unscheduled airframe, engine, structures, mechanical systems and electrical maintenance which is more complex than typical flight line maintenance. The B1 license also permits minor avionics maintenance (eg 'black box' changes, where no specialised GSE/GTE is required).
  3. Category B2 - covers complex avionics maintenance and scheduled and unscheduled electrical maintenance. 
    The Category B1 and B2 licences are aircraft type-rated licences and permit the holder to certify the release to service only of aircraft types that are endorsed as ratings on their licence. 
  4. Category C - is required for personnel who issue the Certificate of Release to Service following complex maintenance. 
    The Category C licence is an aircraft type-rated licence and permits the holder to issue the certificate of release to service of an aircraft following Base maintenance.

MEA Remediation Program

DASA previously identified variations between recorded PMKeyS competencies and the achievement of related MEA UoCs that put into question some issued MAMLs.  

Remediation actions, to update affected MAMLs, are now complete. Any affected non-SERCAT 7 MAML holders who could not be contacted, had their MAML suspended or limited.  All DASR 145 MOs should ensure that they are aware of any suspended MAML when authorising certifying staff

Refer to the List of Suspended MAMLs for more information.

All enquiries regarding suspended MAMLS, please refer all correspondence to

Senior Executive Review into DASR 66/147

In February 2023, DG DASA commissioned an independent review of the implementation of DASR-66/147 across DASA and the Defence Aviation Community.  The intent of this review was to confirm the overall value proposition of Military Aircraft Maintenance Licences (MAMLs) and, where appropriate, make recommendations for improvement. The catalyst for the review was continued negativity over implementation of DASR-66 and doubts over claimed safety, efficiency and productivity benefits. 

Below is the full report from the Senior Executive Review into DASR 66/147.  Recommendations from the report should be read in context with the below list of consolidated recommendations – containing minor adjustments after review by responsible parties

Defence Military Aircraft Maintenance Licensing and Associated Maintenance Training Under DASR 66/147

Consolidated Disposition of Recommendations

Key Documents

DASR 66 MAML Exclusion Inclusion Endorsement Manual 

DASA Exclusion Document Change Record 

S1000D SNS Codes 

Useful Links

DASR 66 Regulations

EASA Part 66 Regulations(Opens in a new tab/window)

EMAR 66 Requirements(Opens in a new tab/window)

CASA Part 66 Regulations(Opens in a new tab/window)

DASR 66 Course Slides