What is a Military Air Operator (MAO)?

One of the central concepts introduced under DASR is that of the Military Air Operator organisation. Introduction of the MAO consolidates accountabilities for continuing airworthiness and flight operations under a single, accountable aviation commander (the Accountable Manager). The MAO Accountable Manager is accountable to the Chain of Command for ongoing compliance with DASR and ensuring the safety of flight operations under his command.

Introduction of the MAO addresses current gaps in regulatory coverage by aligning regulatory oversight with the operating organisation directly accountable for the aviation safety and continuing airworthiness of each aircraft type. In addition to clarifying aviation safety accountabilities, introduction of the MAO provides the operational command chain with the control and oversight necessary to effectively discharge their obligations regarding the management of aviation safety risks.

Introduction of the MAO does not subordinate or undermine command accountabilities. ACAUST/COMD FORCOMD/COMAUSFLT retain accountability for capability and safety decisions and may direct DASR compliance methods through command directives and common systems/procedures.

Approved MAOs will be awarded a Military Air Operators Certificate (MAOC) by the Defence AA.

What is a Military Air Operator Certificate (MAOC)?

A MAOC is issued by the Defence AA to MAOs and authorises that organisation to undertake military air operations as defined in the attached Operations Specification (OpSpec) and in accordance with DASR.

Initial issue of a MAOC (and any updates requested by the Accountable Manager) is supported by a Compliance Statement. The OpSpec is authorised by DACPA (as a Defence AA Delegate) and includes aircraft types authorised to operate, and operating provisions (general and flight test privileges if applicable). The OpSpec includes a Type Annex for each aircraft type which includes roles, Specific Approvals, and any Limitations/Conditions.

What is a Compliance Statement?

A Compliance Statement contains the evidence demonstrating how an MAO complies with DASR for the issue of an MAOC and an attestation of readiness to undertake flight operations. In line with global convention, the DASA has adopted the term Compliance Statement for the application for issue of a Military Air Operator Certificate.

Who is the MAO for platforms operated by multiple organisations?

The platforms that a MAO is responsible for are listed in the MAO’s Operations Specifications (OpSpec) as a Type Annex. In some cases, multiple MAOs will have an Op Spec entry and associated Type Annex for the same platform. For example, the PC21 is listed on AFTG, AWC and ACG’s Op Spec.